Often thought of as the ability for a company to maintain a current growth rate, or simply synonymous with recycling, Sustainability is actually much more holistic and interconnected. Often defined as “the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”, Sustainability is, in its essence, doing the right thing.
More than just “being green”, Sustainability looks at the effects of today’s actions on three main areas of our current and future society: economic, environmental, and social. In 2016, as a part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the United Nations then specified 17 Goals to Transform our World.
Additionally, it should be noted that Sustainability is not a new concept, buzzword, or trend. The term “sustainable development” first appeared in the late 1960s, but the form we know today is more than 30 years old and first appeared in the late 1980s.
A Paradigm Shift in Business
Furthermore, the Business Roundtable, an American association of chief executive officers of leading companies working to promote a thriving economy and expanded opportunity, issued a statement about the purpose of a corporation last month. Signed by leading executives from companies like Amazon, Apple, Boeing, Comcast, Coca-Cola, Proctor and Gamble, and even Walmart, the statement highlights the importance of sustainability within the firm and the commitment to a better tomorrow. It is thought that this statement could have a profound effect on the business world of tomorrow.
A Win-Win-(Win?)
In conclusion, Sustainability is actually more than just doing the right thing, it is a corporate growth strategy, or mindset, that creates a unique corporate advantage in the eyes of today’s responsible consumers. Consider last month’s article, “How Brands Become a Part of Who We Are” and think about how the firms who embrace sustainability will resonate with consumers who share those same values. Consumers are looking to do business with companies that use their platform to make a difference now and into the future.
To learn more about Sustainability, visit the Sustainable Development section of the United Nations website